Detection and recovery of hidden structures in high-dimensional data

This line of research focuses on the detection and recovery of hidden structures in high-dimensional data, especially those in random graphs or statistical networks. Particularly, several works in this category use the framework of low-degree polynomial algorithms.

Graph matching (a.k.a. network alignment)

The problem of graph matching or network alignment consists in matching the vertices of two unlabeled, edge-correlated graphs so that their edges are maximally aligned. We developed methods for graph matching and detection of correlation between graphs, one of which is implemented here.

Models for pairwise comparisons

Ranking from pairwise comparisons, as the name suggests, is the task of aggregating a set of comparisons between pairs of items to produce a ranking of the items. We particularly worked on mixture models, used to represent data from heterogeneous populations, and permutation-based models, extending traditional parametric ranking models.

Estimation with latent permutations and shape constraints

Some of my earlier research also concerns statistical estimation with latent permutations. One particular class of such problems is known as seriation. This set of works also falls within the scope of shape-constrained estimation in nonparametric statistics.